Board Member Prayer



First off I want to thank you Lord that we can get things done simply by praying. I’ll never fully understand exactly how this works but your word tells us this is how things are. In Acts 10, Luke records that Cornelius learned more about You in part because he asked. So, Thank You Lord that as we’ve prayed in community through these posts over the years that You have heard and good has been accomplished, some visible but much invisible to us.


So Lord, we pray for the continued advancement of Your Kingdom through our little Green House for people on 26th and Capitol. Lord, we pray for our children members. Father, would you allow them this week to experience Your love in new and powerful ways? Through an adult’s encouraging word or a warm glance of approval may they sense their uniqueness and worth and may their stay at Hope Street mark the beginning of a life-time pursuit of following Jesus fully with their lives.

Lord continue to use our little corner of Milwaukee to provide healing, hope and challenge for our adult members. Lord, may they feel Your warm embrace through the care of our staff and volunteers. Would you allow these next few months to be a season of unprecedented healing in the lives of the hurting. Would you show us this by a growing desire within our members to reach out to others who are hurting themselves.


Lord, thank you for our staff. Remind them of their high calling as leaders in our community. Give them wisdom as they face difficult decisions with complicated sets of circumstances. Regularly remind them to trust You to provide at the time of need. Regularly break in and amaze the staff with beautiful manifestations of your power.



Steve Mayer

Hope Street Board Director
