Board Member Prayer

They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor.

- Isaiah 61:3

Hope Street

Greenhouse for People

People Empowered by the Active Grace of Christ

Cultivating a Nurturing Community

Helping to Flourish

Hope Street is a place where growth happens, but growth takes time.

Our preference for growth is a trajectory characterized by straight lines angled upward, but that’s not reality. Among other things, poor choices, distractions, and temptations can stall growth or cause it to go dormant. The storms of life that we are desperate to avoid can usher in a season of drought. But many times, the very things that we wish to avoid are in fact the grace of God taking us to a place we do not want to go so that He can accomplish in us those things which we could not do on our own. And through it growth comes.

Growth takes time. The majesty found in a great oak takes time, a very very long time . . . maybe centuries! Storms in the life of a great oak cause its roots to go deep, giving it strength to overcome the next storm. Like the oak in Isaiah 61 God reminds us that our growth, the kind of growth that glorifies Him, isn’t easy and takes a very very long time as well.

Lord, thank you for being patient with us as with the oak. In thankfulness may we exhibit a God-honoring patient attitude towards others, never forgetting that the making of an oak takes time. Thank you for the members who enter this Greenhouse for People with open hearts, and the staff and volunteers who faithfully nurture and water. Thank you for Your faithfulness towards Jamie whom You have blessed, and in the testimonies You are writing through her and the other members at Hope Street, “a planting of the LORD for the display of His splendor”.


Bob Koebele

Board Member
