Recap: Women's Luncheon

If you did not make our first ever Women's Luncheon you missed a great time! Over 170 women gathered to share a meal and hear from guest speakers from our board, staff, and members. Thank you to all who attended, and shared their hearts with us.

Over 40 women have responded with a desire to be involved at Hope Street somehow.

One of the suggestions for getting involved was to read a book, and we have had many questions about which one(s). Here are a few suggestions to get you started:

Help wrap your imagination around the radical cultural differences between, say 26th and Captiol where the Greenhouse for People is located, and 124th and Capitol, where you might be. We recommend:

Our members who attended had a great time!

"It was just beautiful! I had a wonderful time with the ladies at my table." - Donise

"I had so much fun!" Laquirta

If you were not able to attend, you should read Jaime's story and watch this video from our panel discussion! Please let us know if you would be interested in any of our upcoming events, or would like to see another luncheon, we are open to new venues.

#Women #Story #Milwaukee #NewStory #Community
