Build Community.

When you think of the word community a lot of different things could come to mind. You could think of your church community, your school community, your neighborhood community, and many others.

At Hope Street we value what it means to build community. Some of the questions often asked to those applying to become a member are what does community mean to you?, do you currently have support from a community? Or even do you think you could be a part of the community here at Hope Street? That last one to me is a big one because yes, Hope Street is housing for men, women, and children, but that’s not ALL that it entails. Entering into Hope Street’s doors means entering into a community and not just the community of individuals physically living within Hope Street’s walls. Our community stretches far beyond this.

Last night we were fortunate enough to celebrate the birth and life of an individual who has truly become an important part of our Hope Street community and that is our former Executive Director, Perry Brown. As I took a look around the room where current members, staff members, former members, volunteers, and friends joined to celebrate, it reminded me of how beautiful our community really is. That members who transplanted years ago could enter back into these doors and be greeted with joy to see them return. That we could all come together as one, all individuals with our own “stuff”, our own “mess”, and from very different backgrounds and locations. This to me was a perfect and beautiful example of what it means to build community.

Lord thank you for last night. Thank you for the time we were able to share with one another and in doing so celebrate Perry. I’m so thankful that Hope Street is a place where individuals can truly feel welcome and have a yearning to return. Thank you for our Hope Street community and for all those who have willing embraced it. I ask that anyone who steps foot into this place to simply know that they are loved and that there is a place for them here at the greenhouse for people.

Amen, Brooke.
