Cultivate Hope

Preparing our hearts for what God has promised.

Inside of Hope Street, Hope is cultivated for all who walk through the door. Cultivating is hard work. Cultivating our hearts requires us to care for, educate, and prepare. To do this we must survey the soil of our soul so that we are prepared to hear the promises God has for us. We must invite the right people to cultivate us in our lives. We were created to live in community with God and our brothers and sisters. He wants to work with us to prepare us for His promises.

For those on a faith journey, Hope is the confident expectation of what God promises and its strength in His faithfulness. Friends, draw close to the Lord to know His voice so we can know the promises he has for your life.

In Matthew 6:33, God asks us to seek him first to receive all the things he has planned for us. He is asking us to seek out relationship with him to cultivate our hearts so that we are prepared to hear the Hope he has promised.

Lord, we ask ask that you prepare are hearts to be cultivated. We praise you for the community you have blessed us with the walk along side. And we thank you for your promises, both known and unknown.



(Hope Street Volunteer)
