Dwell in The Shelter of The Most High

“He who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and fortress, My God in whom I trust.’”-Psalm 91: 1-2

Psalm 91: 1-2 is painted on a canvas in the bedroom of Apartment 13. It’s a verse that leads me (Hannah) to a place of rest. God is a shelter in whom we are protected. He invites us to rest in His presence and this presence will protect us. He is a refuge.

Hope Street provides an environment where people can experience their belovedness and be protected. We are choosing to position ourselves under the shelter of the Most High and there is safety there.

On any given day it’s pretty hard to keep most things in check. I know that many of my thoughts are garbage. I think this way or that about myself or others. I know it’s not true, but I don’t know where to go with it. It feels like a fight until I choose to dwell in the shelter of the Most High. Go to Your Dwelling place first, it is there you will be protected. It is there you will learn what is true. It is lighter under His Light. It is real and honest there but also soaked in love and grace.

Father, You have prepared a place for us to encounter You. You are not limited by a building or two, but this is one place we’ve gotten to encounter You over and over again. Thank you for You. Thank you for the men, women and children that lead one another into a greater knowing of You. Thank You we can crash in ways we never anticipated and flourish in ways we never expected. Life looks different with You because You are altogether different. Thanks for loving us all right where we are and not letting us stay there forever. You are amazing. Thank You for the chance to know you.

In Your Name,

