
“Commit to The Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.”

Proverbs 16: 3

Growth. Sometimes it looks like multiple steps forward, and sometimes it is a giant leap backwards. It isn’t meant to stop you, but to propel you into something new, something better. Something that is more full, more whole, and more in line with His will. Growth can be painful, rewarding, difficult, or freeing. Or all those things, and more. I have experienced a tremendous amount of growth in my time at Hope Street. Thankfully, I have been extended a large amount of grace in the process.

As a planner, I have always looked out into the future, assessed the need, and begun to construct what needs to take place to ensure that we are prepared. In my mind if we are prepared, we can avoid some of the obstacles we may face, or at least be better prepared for them.

Shechem is Coming. Our doors open later this summer. We will have a grand opening, and we will celebrate all that has led us to this point. I want to plan that event, BUT (huge but here) I don’t yet know the official date it will be ready. I won’t know until 60 days out. Normally, this would cause me to panic. In this season, I am continually laying my own plans at His feet. He has shown me too many times, that His ways are the best ways, and that I can choose to join Him or sit this one out. What is He asking you to commit to Him right now?

Father, thank you that your plan is the best plan. Thanks for your grace as we figure that out. Forgive us for attempting to do things on our own, and thanks for letting us still join you. We trust and know all things will come together for Shechem in the right time, in the perfect way. Your track record proves this true. When we feel anxious, unsure or a desire to regain control - gently remind us of your truth, and the opportunity to commit all of our ways unto you. Thank you for the growth that has happened in this area of my life, so that I can live inside of your peace, contentment and joy as we anticipate an exciting future ahead.


