My Friend

"Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him."Isaiah 91: 1-2 NLT

My dear Lord Jesus Christ you were the word then the word became flesh. There's no beginning to you nor end. You told us we are your friends you proved that by telling us your secrets. We believe in you and all you have said and done. My friend, my great GOD I ask that you open the windows of heaven and look at us, pour down the power of the Holy Spirit right NOW on all our suffering and all the homeless, the forgotten, and the unworthy. You are such a faithful and loyal friend even when we are unfaithful to you. Thank you for sending the arch Angel Gabriel to whisper messages in those that donate to Hope Street to donate. Thank you for sending the arch angel Mike to fight battles for us that we can't fight. We love you Father, we appreciate you DAD, thank you for sending forth your son for He was the word then the word became flesh.

Hope Street Member since May 2019