The Next Right Thing.

Spoiler Alert: There is a scene in Frozen 2 (bear with me) where Ana has seemingly just lost her best friends Olaf and Elsa (her sister). It is sad as you watch Ana begun to acknowledge her new any good Disney movie she busts out into song and sings, "So I will do the next right thing".

These last two weeks have been hard. Members have come through the office doors frustrated that hours have been cut while in other cases jobs have been lost all together, the kids are home, they have friends or family that are sick...and everyone is wondering what to do. It is not at all helpful when the thing "to do" right now is nothing. Stay home. Work from home is not a luxury any of our members are able to participate in.

BUT we can do the next the right thing. What has that looked like at Hope Street? Something like this:

  • B (adult member helping TJ (kiddo) with his math homework

  • Brooke facilitating "school" for kiddos each morning and graciously making meals too (group favorite: grilled cheese)

  • Nicole meticulously keeping the building clean

  • All members wiping down commonly used surfaces like door knobs, railings, computers etc.

  • Larry issuing an encouraging word and reminding people of where our Hope is found: Jesus.

  • Exercising downstairs in the workout room

A lot of things have been lost in a short window of time: jobs, income, freedom, security, trust..the list could go on - but in the midst of all of that if you ask a community on 26th and Capitol "how they are feeling" or "what they are thankful for" they answer: blessed, encouraged; Hope Street, community. Those responses come from being inside of a healthy culture that has helped people remember "things" don't determine our quality of life - people do, and as long as we have each other we will make it through.

What is the next right thing for you to do?

Father, please continue to give us the right perspective. Help us to focus more on you and less on the things we currently can't control. Show us how to do the next right thing and in the midst of that experience the joy, peace and comfort that comes from doing it with you. The unknown is scary, but you know all things so we place our Hope and Trust in you. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.



