The Process

Every time you cross my mind, I break out in exclamations of thanks to God. Each exclamation is a trigger to prayer. I find myself praying for you with a glad heart. I am so pleased that you have continued on in this with us, believing and proclaiming God’s Message, from the day you heard it right up to the present. There has never been the slightest doubt in my mind that the God who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a flourishing finish on the very day Christ Jesus appears.” 

Philippians 1:3-6 MSG 

There is a process for everything. The process if we allow it to, shapes us, transforms us, challenges us and if we are lucky (patient enough) ...allows us to see, hear and live in a new way. 

We want things instantly. Although “instant” isn’t usually all that good for us and it sure doesn’t change us for the better, instead it breeds: pride, entitlement and an inability to be content. 

There are lots of processes in full motion at Hope Street right now. Our Hope is that we remember our Farmer God goes through the process of cultivation, planting, watering and pruning...His process could be instantaneous but he chooses the long (flourishing) route. I think it’s because the goal is transformation, to be made new. The good news? He promises to complete His work. 

Father, you meet each of us right where we are at. Yet, you love us enough to not keep us in that place. Show us how to embrace the process. To enjoy the obstacles, invite others to join us, and to be still in the seasons where we need rest and reflection. Encourage our members who are just starting on their journey towards sobriety. Help them receive the new mercies each morning. Walk with our members who are learning a new way of life one where it’s not necessary to manipulate, lie or steal. Help us discern when to go and when to stay as we enter into a season with members (ones we have grown to know and love) as they consider transplanting beyond our space. Lord, may we embrace whatever process you have us in the midst of right now. Help us be patient, kind, humble and diligent. Amen.

With you, Ash 
