
Colossians 1:19-20:

19 For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in [Jesus], 20 and through [Jesus] to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through [Jesus’] blood, shed on the cross.

In preparing to lead a Bible study recently I had the opportunity to reflect on what the Bible says about the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. There’s so much to say, but what stood out to me most was the same reality that Paul expresses in Colossians 1:  that through Jesus’ death on the cross, all of us who will only believe in Him can be reconciled to God. It’s a perfect unity, achieved through God’s loving sacrifice. 

In a year that feels fractured, polarized, tense, and separate, it was powerful for me to remember these most important things that bring us together. That go beyond all our circumstances and all our fears. That create bonds that can never be broken.

Father God, thank you for loving us so much that you made us in Your image. Thank you for loving us so much that you sent your son to die for us. Thank you for loving us so much that you gave of yourself to save us and peacefully reconcile us with you.

Father, help our community at Hope Street to grow through the beautiful ties established by these truths and the freedom they bring. Give us your freedom to live, love and grow together loving and obedient to the one who both made us and died for us. Help us to remember that it’s why we’re here and the foundation of all that we do. And now, more than ever, please use it to unite us in love.


Greg Heinen

Hope Street Board Member
