Growth in a Greenhouse
Jesus calls us to recognize that gladness and sadness are never separate, joy and sorrow really belong together, and that mourning and dancing are part of the same movement.
- Henri Nouwen
At Hope Street we learn these truths each day. We learn it’s a process and that growth takes time. We learn that we need each other. We learn that God’s pruning work in our lives at the Greenhouse for People brings healing and hope. We learn that resentment can stunt our growth and make us blind to the work God desires to do in and through us. We learn that we are being formed into a flourishing plant, that we are being prepared to be a person who can offer our own pain as a source of healing and hope for others.
Lord, I pray for our community at Hope Street. I pray that our members can accept the grace that You offer. I pray that you will continue to turn the soil of our lives so that it becomes good soil, that can bring healing and nourishment, and empower our members to flourish. I pray they would know they can do anything in Your strength.
Sue Mayer
Board Director