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Faith Like a Child

“To love someone means to see them as God intended them.”

-Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Some of the greatest moments at Hope Street involve the kids calling it home. Some kids are quiet and reserved, others are deep thinkers and just want to sit and chat, and some have boundless energy, running in and out of offices trying to "scare" staff, or roughhouse, or share some real exciting news (like the latest work of art).

Lately Jayseon has been coming to visit a lot. Always smiling, always filled with the excitement of seeing people he genuinely loves - so much excitement you'd think he hadn't seen any of us in a month. While he was bouncing up and down on one of the chairs in my office saying, "Mr. Brian, guess what?" on repeat, it struck me: Jayseon wants to share life more than anything in the world. He wants to know you, and be known by you. He wants to share every little detail of himself with you, never holding back.

There may be some needed work on boundaries, but at the same time this seems so much like Christ's command to be like the little children. Children have an innate desire to know you, genuinely, and to be known by you.

Father I thank you for children living at Hope Street. I thank you for the ways each of them makes our community more whole, more loving, more of a family. I thank you for the ways you teach us through children. And Father, I especially pray that each of us can learn to give ourselves as fully as Jayseon does - to see everyone as You intended them.



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