Be Silly
Laughing is, and will always be, the best sort of therapy.
Last Wednesday, I spent the last two hours of my day sitting in the hallway. I watched our adults interact with kids (most of which were not their own kiddos). The new thing is attempting to creatively scare each other...let’s just say some are better at that than others.
Our kids get home from school and/or daycare at approximately 4:00 pm. What happens after that is controlled chaos. It is a hilarious whirlwind of everybody talking (or screaming), laughing, dancing, running and hugging.
This particular day the energy level was a notch higher because Ms. Kim was coming back for the school year and she was bringing Michael (Former Hope Street kiddo) and she brings popcorn and specially ordered cookies.
As I sat in the midst of it all....I felt peace. In this season I continue to be blown away by the community that has formed inside of our building. Not a community that myself or staff enforced but one that has naturally and organically grown into something really beautiful because people feel safe, loved and known.
I watch adults and kids alike take time to be silly. In our little space there is room to let go of worries, to do lists and expectations. When we are together, we are just that, together. Our together is a whole lot of unexpected fun.
My prayer today is simple, Father may we delight in the simple, unexpected moments that bring us great joy. Give us the grace to be silly, I’m pretty sure our souls need it.
Amen, Ash