Delusion Never Delivers
“We will always be better off knowing. Delusion never delivers. Denial can’t sweeten acrid grapes. But hard work now can produce a different crop next year.”
Beth Moore: Chasing Vines
I am not entirely sure why the new year signifies “new me” or a time of reflection, goal setting and simply a new start. I mean I get it - it’s a new calendar year and the opportunities are endless. However, with our King - the one who is the same today, tomorrow and forevermore - each day presents an opportunity for new beginnings, new grace and new mercy. That’s where I am at - in a place of freedom in acknowledging there will be setbacks, I will need more grace some days than others, some days I will be highly motivated and others not so much (these are rare).
There’s no “word” of the year, and while we are in the midst of a major capital campaign, continually meeting the needs of about 50 broken men, women and children and all 7 staff carrying the loads of their personal lives too - we are simply going to continue to choose to join Him. We are going to look one another in the eyes and choose grace, truth and love - often imperfectly but always relentlessly. Why? Because we know that living life behind a mask is exhausting. We know that sweeping our brokenness under the rug doesn’t get us anywhere. Projecting one reality for everyone else doesn’t set us free. Delusion never delivers. So our plan? Keep it real, embrace the messy, celebrate the growth and create the best space possible for deliverance. Will you join us?
Father, you are so faithful. You always provide a way out. Help us to see you in the midst of the brokenness we experience; to see your grace filled eyes and to accept the truth that transforms. It is a new year, but it is also a new day in which you have given us. Help us to step boldly into each day with you. To trust you, to learn from you and to follow you. Lord, you are gracious in that you give us choices - help us to always choose deliverance over delusion. If we get stuck, please help us not stay stuck too long. We love you, thank you that your love doesn’t allow us to stay the same, but still chooses to love us perfectly.