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Progress Not Perfection

Ever since Michelle joined our team there’s been a fresh dose of encouragement. She brings a unique perspective that we didn’t know was missing, until now as we experience it. Much of what my team, okay, for sure myself bring to the table is a level of criticism. It’s not meant to tear down, but instead build up, by making things “better”. So we complete an event, project or other task and I am quick to see and point out what could have been better.

While that can be helpful, and has allowed us to experience some success as an organization - we often miss out on the chance to celebrate. To point out the things that did in fact go well, and while maybe not perfectly - still made a positive impact.

As we open our doors to Shechem, I know there will be bumps along the way. We have never opened a new facility, let alone opened our doors to the greater community in this capacity so I trust and know there will be a learning curve. Thankfully, I also know I have a teammate that is ready and willing to remind us it’s the progress that makes a difference, not perfection.

Where in your life would you benefit from celebrating the steps along the way?

Father, thank you for grace. Thank you for the gifts you give each of us, and the way they can impact the communities we are a part of. Help us to keep things in the right perspective. To not lose the chance to see and celebrate the people in front of us, because we are too focused on outcomes. This may require us to slow down, so please allow us to accept that invitation as a gift to live life more fully with you. We don’t have to be perfect for you to love us, in fact perfection isn’t possible - so we come as we are, with our broken pieces, grateful that you are the God who wastes nothing, and completes everything to a beautiful and glorious finish.




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