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We were made to THRIVE. It seems I have spent a lot of time sharing this concept recently. I don't know if it is my obsession with John 15 (verses 1-17 to be exact, dare you to read it in the message version) or from experiencing this reality in my own life and those around me. The idea used to frustrate me, because in my mind it meant that everything was OK. In fact not just OK but great! While that may be true, we can also thrive in difficult times. This is where I have seen God most at work. In the lives of those who realize He is enough, always. In any and every situation. He gives us peace, patience, comfort, and purpose. That truth trumps any situation we may find ourselves in, because He is exactly what we need.

So this month's weekly prayer theme is THRIVE. You can join us in this prayer:

Gracious Father, thank you. We don't even know what all to thank you for, but we see and experience your goodness each day. Lord, you have given us the grace needed to thrive, you simply ask us to abide in you. May we live in you, deeply rooted, satisfied and fulfilled so that we may bear fruit. Fruit that shares your love to a broken world. May your truth drown out the lies, keeping our hearts and minds ever present with you.

Amen? Amen.

- Ash


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