Hope Street is The Greenhouse for People on 26th and Capitol. We provide housing and community to empower broken men, women, and children to cultivate a relationship with Jesus, themselves, and others to restore hope that flourishing is possible for us all.
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Just show up. Potentially a daunting task, yet, it is the phrase we use time and time again to encourage people as they seek out what serving at Hope Street could look like. Each person has specific gifts, talents and simply, best ways of connecting with God’s people. Our hope is to discover what that could look like here, but sometimes we don’t know until people spend intentional time being present. Reciprocity is at the heart of all that we do. We believe that we were given the perfect example through Jesus in what it looks like to both give and receive. Relationships here aren’t one sided or top down. They are messy, beautiful, hard, and transformative. We value bringing different people with different backgrounds and life experiences to the table. If we haven’t lost you yet, please consider showing up in one of the following ways below to get started in seeing where God would like to do a work in and through you.