Higher Ways
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
--Isaiah 55:8-9
I don’t know if there’s a more tormenting thought to me than not understanding why. Not knowing how. Not knowing when. I hate math but I have so many equations for so many outcomes and none of them are based in truth. It makes me hate math that much more. The outcome is never peace.
Thank you Father that You have provided protection from this torment. You give us You. You give us Your Word which is light and truth. You don’t ask us to create and toil and work. You ask us to position ourselves under the Mighty Protection of Your wings. A protection that can carry all that is so good and bare all that is so bad. And the outcome is truth.
Thank you Father that Your ways are higher than my ways.
Sometimes the best thing we can do is walk with each other in this truth too. I don’t know what is best for myself. I don’t know what is best for my friends, my family, my community here. I cannot fathom the disparity between what we perceive as good in the momentary and what You know is deeply good from Your higher view.
I love you Lord. I love that you love us. I love that you hold the best and carry the worst. I love that you have provided protection for us in ways we couldn’t ask for.
May we rest under the protection of Your wings. The refuge of the One who knows all and has the strength to bare all. You are good to give us each other and most of all, to give us Yourself. Thank you Father for your higher ways that don’t take from us but give to us.
I love you. Thank you for loving me.