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Read Out Loud

I have officially surpassed the point where my son can hear my voice in the womb. I find that fascinating, and have taken full advantage of talking to him instead of to myself :) So while he gets a lot of Taylor Swift while I am driving, at night I have made a habit of reading scripture out loud. As I read out loud, I find myself comforted and encouraged by the words in a way that doesn’t happen when I just read silently. It’s as if He’s reading to me, and I read to my son.

It makes me think about our kiddos at Hope Street, and how the little ones come into my office and go right for the basket of books. They hand it to me, sit in my lap, and story time begins. Many still have very few words to say, but they enjoy hearing someone read to them.

I think we all find comfort in having words spoken over us. Truth that is meant to build up, encourage and empower us onto greater things. What have you read out loud lately?

Father, thank you for the ways your truth speaks to our hearts and minds. Thank you for new ways to learn from you, even through familiar passages and stories. Calm our hearts, and still our minds, so that we can be more present and more aware of you speaking to us.



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