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David's Story

I first came to Hope Street on a hot summer night about 15 years ago after being invited to speak to the residents about my struggles with drug and alcohol addiction. I was so moved by the people and the place I immediately jumped onboard and subsequently served in various roles over the years, including bible teacher, assistant director, executive director, business manager, board member, and casual observer.

I have had a love-hate relationship with Hope Street. My experiences there have put me into to the hospital with ulcers, threw me into the loving arms of a merciful heavenly father, led me back to the bottle, left me completely overwhelmed by God’s love and incredible power of transformation, left me madder than a hornet at myself and others, left me ecstatic about myself and others, left me driving home screaming in frustration, left me driving home in a state of euphoria, brought on a new level of self-loathing and a deeper understanding of our inestimable value in Christ Jesus.

Hope Street has been a life-changer for me. It has taken much of my theoretical Christianity and clarified what is of real substance and what is nothing more than flashy rhetoric. It has challenged me to the core on what it means to be a Christ-follower in modern America and what I am called to as a believer. Most importantly, God has used Hope Street to show me that He loves us unconditionally and uses our brokenness to minister to each other in ways we cannot begin to imagine.

I invite you to come get involved with your time, talents, and treasure at the Greenhouse for People at 26th and Capitol. I am absolutely convinced that God is using Hope Street to show us His solutions to many of the spiritual, racial, economic, and political issues we face as a nation. I hope and pray you will join us.

-David Tennyck

(Hope Street Board Member)

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